TEDxGreensboro Prior Event Speakers and Entertainers
Derrick Parker
Derrick Parker is a local film producer and actor who performed at TEDxGreensboro 2018
MaryAnn Luedtke
MaryAnn Luedtke is a photographer and performer who participated in TEDxGreensboro 2018
Theatre of Movement
Theatre of Movement, led by artistic director Duane Cyrus, is a performing and visual arts collaborative that explores cultural values.
Graymatter plays acoustic music with big harmonies and a dash of rock and roll.
Shared Madness
Shared Madness was created in early 2017, a trio specializing in “pure drop” traditional Irish music.
Walsh Kelley School of Irish Dancing
The Walsh Kelley School of Irish Dancing teaches traditional Irish step dancing, and its students have performed and competed in local, regional, and national…